Newsletter #5

UPSCALE Recent Reports
EU Delegation Visit to UPSCALE partner ICIPE in Kenya
UPSCALE partner icipe hosted a very successful visit by 6 EU Ambassadors on the 12th of March 2024. Concurrently, icipe staff members have engaged the Homabay County government more deeply and have started with the training of 54 agricultural extension officers.
Click here to read the full report 
The 4th Rwanda Annual National MAC Meeting and socio-ecological validation with stakeholders
On July 7 -9, 2024, the Fourth National MAC Meeting was held in Kigali, Rwanda. The meeting co-hosted by Food for the Hungry and Maseno University, was intended to increase awareness and, therefore, encourage stakeholders’ commitment to the implementation and implementation of push-pull technology (PPT).
Click here to read the full report
Training: Bringing Vegetables to Push-pull for Increased Returns
The NARO from Uganda, led by Moses Lutaakome, organized an event focused on nursery bed preparation and vegetable integration into Push-Pull plots. The farmers received training covering all aspects of managing the selected vegetables within Push-Pull systems. 
More info on the event here
Knowledge Exchange Hub
New Push-Pull Technology Blog Posts
The Effect of Brachiaria Rows on Stemborer Damage on Sorghum
Learn more about the effects of intercropping sorghum with Brachiaria rows as a method that seeks to minimize stemborer damage.
Bioactive Volatiles - Natural Allies in the Battle Against Fall Armyworm
Discover which plant can be used in order to decrease the negative effect of Fall Armyworms.
Upcoming Events
12 - 16 August 2024 - The 2nd RUFORUM Triennial Conference - The Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM), a network of 170 Universities in 40 African Countries, will hold its second Triennial Conference themed “Operationalising Higher Agricultural Education and Research Ecosystems for Innovation, Industrialisation and Economic Development in Africa: A Call for Action”.
23 - 24 October 2024 - Global Bioeconomy Summit 2024 - The IACGB and the East African hosting partners, the East African Science and Technology Commission (EASTECO) of the East African Community, the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) – Africa Centre, and the icipe, are delighted to invite you to the Global Bioeconomy Summit 2024 “One Planet – Sustainable Bioeconomy Solutions for Global Challenges”. 
Multimedia Materials
If you are a visual type of learner, we have prepared videos which will help you how to set up a PPT plot. Click on the photo above or this link to be informed about the latest agricultural practices.
Interested in learning more or getting involved with our project? Follow us on social media.
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