The first Official review meeting prepared us well for the holiday season. I was proud to coordinate the presentations of our results and look forward to upcoming activities. I hope you are relaxing after this intensive period, and to complement the mood, we have many stories to keep you entertained on the plane, sofa or deep in the shade, resting from the harvest in the field. Enjoy our summer newsletter, I hope it finds you all in good health!

Prof. dr Emily Poppenborg
UPSCALE Coordinator
UPSCALE Multi Actor Community of Practice
Second MAC Meeting in Ethiopia
To unlock the potential for wider engagement, collaboration, and adoption of push-pull technology the Ethiopian MAC platform was established in Sep 2021 by engaging key stakeholders identified from private and government sectors by considering a multidisciplinary approach. The second meeting took place in Debrezeit, Lisak resort, on June 3rd and 4th 2022, hosted by the Ethiopia National Coordinator Institute for Sustainable Development.
Click here to read the full report
Second MAC meeting in Rwanda
Earlier in December last year, the second MAC meeting in Rwanda took place in Gatsibo District, Eastern Province of Rwanda.
Click here to read the full report
Second MAC meeting in Tanzania
The second MAC meeting in Tanzania took place on the 7th and 8th of April 2022 in the AICT, Musoma, Tanzania.
More info on the event here
Deliverable D1.3 on Strategic Plan for Knowledge-Sharing and Capacity-Building in MACs has been published.
This document outlines the development of a multi-actor transdisciplinary knowledge-building strategy among UPSCALE partners, research and extension providers, policy and various value chain stakeholders. The strategy covers both internal and external information sharing, support / dialogue / exchange / relationship building, action / behaviour change and decision guidance, in the context of MACs, participative research tasks and multi-stakeholder workshops.
Click here to read the whole document
MAC meeting highlights - farmer testimonials
“As a farmer, I feel privileged to be a member of the MAC Management committee. For a long time, I have thought that I could not participate in the formulation of interventions done for me. I felt that I had only to accept without asking why. With UPSCALE it is different now; I feel more empowered to share my opinion and contribute to designing the best interventions tailored to our needs. Before participating in the UPSCALE MAC Meeting, I was already implementing Push-Pull Technology on my farm, but I was always complaining of not having a reliable source of desmodium and brachiaria. After participating in the meeting, I decided to resolve this challenge of unavailability of inputs to myself and fellow farmers facing the same problem. I have now established nursery beds for desmodium and bracharia for multiplication; I am currently producing a good quantity that is more than what I could use on my farm. I have not yet started selling the surplus, but I plan to. I would also need practical training and study tours to learn how to produce quality seeds of desmodium and bracharia because we only propagate these plants using asexual methods. I want to ask also for assistance to get reliable markets for these produces.“
Mr Jean Baptiste Senzoga, Push-Pull farmer
A database of regional and local organisations participating in MACs was created and published for easier overview and access.
A total of 8 training events were held by ICIPE in Kenya. The six Training of Trainer of trainer and farmer teachers were held in Homabay, Migori, Siaya, Kisumu and Vihiga from 16th to 20th of May, respectively. A total of three Farmer group trainings were then held in Homabay, Kisumu and Vihiga on the 23rd, 26th and 27th of May respectively.
Deliverable D8.6 on Knowledge Exchange Hub was published and the platform launched
The Knowledge Exchange Hub is a comprehensive online platform for effective dissemination of knowledge and project results among stakeholders, collecting feedback and ensuring transfer of sustainable intensification practices and relevant push-pull technology and related market information to farming, research and policy communities and wider society.
Click here to visit the website
KEH highlights - Interactive maps
The project activities will be conducted in five main study regions within East African countries (Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania), each of these regions being selected to encompass different biophysical (including climate, soils, topography) and farming system characteristics.
Wikifarmer publishes UPSCALE articles
UPSCALE signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Wikifarmer on non-commercial cooperation related to dissemination and communication activities on February 2nd 2022. The first article "The push-pull strategy controls stemborers and striga increasing corn yields" is online, reaching out to a wide network of farmers.
Click here to read the article
This app helps you step-wise on how you can set up this farming system in your garden. Fall army worm, Striga and Nitrogen losses in maize and sorghum gardens will be no more when you use information in this application. Click image to download.