UPSCALE study regions

The project activities are conducted in five main study regions within East African countries (Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania), each of these regions being selected to encompass different biophysical (including climate, soils, topography) and farming system characteristics. All the selected regions have been exposed to varying degrees to the push-pull technology through previous training and dissemination, notably by the UPSCALE project partners. All the regions share several constraints for push-pull expansion including limited access to agricultural extension services and frequent shortage and high expense of seeds for push-pull implementation. Therefore, these regions are essential for implementing the experimental tasks following a standardized, common study design across countries and are open for collaboration and merging with study and dissemination sites of other ongoing or recent projects.


Population in the 5 UPSCALE countries:

Source: (United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2022). World Population Prospects 2022, Online Edition.)