Tanzania (TARI) will have its National MAC meeting on 7th-8th April, 2022 at the AICT, Musoma, Tanzania. We welcome all who will have time to join us in-person/virtually. Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/98175787678?pwd=Q2lNYXViQk1LS1RtS1NrMnFOZHVPZz09 Meeting ID: 981 7578 7678 Passcode: 2839 Download programme
Crop phenology is essential in combating food insecurity and understanding the impact of climate change on smallholder farming systems. Due to the volatile state of crops in Africa and projected negative trends to future yields, better adaptation and mitigation techniques are crucial to face current and future challenges in smallholder farming systems.
Ethiopia (ISD) will have its 2nd National MAC Meeting on 3rd – 4th JUNE 2022 in Bishoftu Lisak-Resort, Ethiopia.