As the UPSCALE project is spreading its influence through East Africa, our partner NARO with its constituent institute NaCRRI organized planting maize on twelve sites in Uganda according to Push-Pull Technology (PPT). The twelve sites are part of 20 demo sites previously planted under the PPT in the first season of 2023 (2023A). Those sites were planted with Desmodium and Barchiaria, companion plants in PPT, combined with maize. In the current part one of planting PPT demos for the ongoing second season of 2023 (2023B), gap filling of Desmodium and Barchiaria was performed in addition to planting maize.
Along with agricultural extension officers, NaCRRI and 188 farmers (equally represented by males and females) visited demo sites. Host farmers took care of land preparation so the team could plant. Farmers got a chance to involve themselves directly in planting which was essential for gaining knowledge and experience in PPT. In addition to push-pull plots, the team planted control maize beans intercrop and sole-maize plots nearby.
The team also visited two farmer groups that are currently potting Desmodium to improve its germinability. The objective was to learn from the farmers and explore the contribution of vegetatively propagated Desmodium in the seed system.