“Forging Paths to New Opportunities: Local & Global Perspectives“ 79th Professional Agricultural Workers Conference (PAWC) 2021 took place from 5th - 7th December 2021 at Tuskegee University USA... read more →
Following icipe's Push-pull programme launch of the UPSCALE Multi-Actor Community (MAC) meetings in Kenya in May 2021 a second MAC was held on 5th of November. UPSCALE includes partners... read more →
In the period of September 13th, 2021 to October 5th, 2021 in and around Kamuli district, in the North-East of Central Uganda, UPSCALE team consisting of David Meinhof, Adomas... read more →
As part of the effort to bring push-pull beyond its limitations to the next level, UPSCALE partner, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), conducted a needs... read more →
UPSCALE is a five-year project being implemented in five Eastern African countries (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda & Ethiopia), by a consortium of 18 European and African Partners through funding from... read more →
UPSCALE partners regularly organize training and demonstration days – Roadshow events – with the aim to train the farmers and provide more information on the benefits and implementation... read more →
Under the UPSCALE Work Package (WP) 7 "Barriers to Push-Pull adoption and opportunities for improvement", led by Kenya Agricultural & Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) a new set of... read more →
Climate-Smart Push-Pull Technology (PPT) is relatively knowledge-intensive and therefore needs to be promoted in order to control Striga weeds, stemborers, and to improve soil fertility in cereal fields... read more →
As part of the EU-funded UPSCALE project, the Institute for the Sustainable Development (Ethiopia) held a first national Multi-Actor Communities (MAC) meeting from 2nd to 3rd of September... read more →
The European Commission has recognized the potential of the circularity and bioeconomy to meet global climate targets and make Europe a greener continent. To reach these goals, the... read more →